MAGOH (Managing Archaeological data for a sustainable GOvernance of the Heritage)
Lead by: MAPPALab – Dip.Civiltà e Forme del Sapere, Università di Pisa
Consortium: Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città metropolitana di Firenze e per le province di Pistoia e Prato; Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per le province di Pisa e Livorno; INERA Srl; Miningful Studio.
MAGOH is one of the winner projects on the call named “100 assegni per la Cultura” promoted by Regione Toscana. The aim of the project is to create a platform of archaeological data managing about the Province of Pisa and the urban area of Firenze. MAGOH will allow the data access and the optimisation of the cycle of the archaeological data, improving research, protection and enhancement actions. MAGOH is coordinated by MAPPALab, funded by the Tuscany Region and co-financed by the Dip. di Civiltà e Forme del Sapere (Department of Civilization and forms of Knowledge) of the University of Pisa, and by the Soprintendenze Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio per la città Metropolitana di Firenze e per le province di Pistoia e Prato e per le province di Pisa e Livorno (Superintendence of Archaeology, Fine Arts and Landscape for the metropolitan city of Florence and the provinces of Pistoia and Prato, and Superintendence for the provinces of Pisa and Livorno). The IT development company INERA SRL and the data science company Miningful Studio are part of the consortium.

MAGOH has started an intensive cooperation between the MAPPALab and the Superintendences, and one of the main purposes is to create a helpful system to reply at the officials’ needs. The system is designed to allow both the accessibility of functionaries and freelancers involved to tasks of protection and enhancement, throughout different access privileges and managements profiles, although integrated into a single framework, rationalizing and optimizing the development and consultation tools; but also access to content by external users, wishing to deepen their knowledge of their territory in the archaeological field.
The collaboration and skilled support provided by the IT and mathematic partners permit a synergic work for the comprehension and optimisation of the procedures provided by officials.
Thanks to the strong know-how performed by the MAPPA project, the heterogeneity of data has been treated through a preliminary phase of standardisation and categorisation, with the updating and creation of validated scientific thesauri and tools to check the reliability and verifiability of the data. Starting from the tools developed in MAPPA and ArchAIDE projects, MAGOH will provide a web-based platform including:
1) A database to store and manage the archaeological data supported by tools of semi-automatic digitisation of the documents and tools for semi-automatic extraction of contents through NPL technics.
2) A webGIS to capturing, geolocalisation, spatial analysis, data visualisation and accessibility
3) Long term preservation and open dissemination of the archaeological data by the MOD repository into the Digital Library of the Department of Civilisations and Forms of Knowledge of the University of Pisa.
4) the creation of the project website.
Currently, the project team is massively populating the platform, and is creating operating manuals and video tutorials for professionals; at the same time, it is developing the site where they will be accessible and accessible from all the data entered, with the creation of specific tools for saving and sharing data.
MAGOH portal is available here:

Report 1.1: Analisi delle procedure interne di gestione delle pratiche alle soprintendenze Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio
Report 2.1: Acquisizione dati archeologici dagli Archivi delle SABAP- FI e PI-LI. Protocolli utilizzati per l’acquisizione dei dati di archivio nell’ambito del Progetto MAGOH
Report 1.2: Modello dati, applicativo web e servizi erogabili

Gli Assegni di Ricerca in ambito culturale sono finanziati con le risorse del POR FSE TOSCANA 2014-2020 e rientrano nell’ambito di Giovanisì (