FRAGMENTS (Future Research and Advanced Geometric Methods for Efficient Non-invasive Technology in ceramics Study)
FRAGMENTS is a doctoral research project that seeks to revolutionize the study, digitization, and conservation of archaeological ceramic artefacts. By integrating cutting-edge non-invasive archaeometric methods and advanced digital technologies, the project aims to make thousands of artefacts currently stored in museum repositories accessible online. As part of the Horizon Europe AUTOMATA project, FRAGMENTS will develop protocols for creating detailed digital profiles that highlight the cultural and scientific significance of these objects.
The project will make digital models of artefacts accessible to researchers, educators, and the public, supporting scientific inquiry and fostering greater appreciation of archaeological heritage. This approach minimizes physical handling of fragile artefacts, preserving their original condition while ensuring long-term sustainability. By digitizing collections at scale, the project also contributes to better management and broader dissemination of knowledge about cultural heritage.
The project benefits from partnerships with renowned institutions, including Université Bordeaux Montaigne (Laboratoire Archéosciences Bordeaux), the Archeovision Platform in Bordeaux, and the Universitat de Barcelona.

Objectives and Methodology
1) Selection of Artefacts: representative ceramic artefacts will be identified based on their historical period and geographic context, followed by detailed visual and digital analysis.
2) Non-invasive Data Collection: Techniques such as p-XRF, Raman spectroscopy, and hyperspectral imaging (HSI) will be employed to capture chemical and physical data, which will be integrated into a centralized database
3) Advanced 3D Modelling: High-resolution 3D models will be developed, merging visible features like shape and decoration with invisible attributes, such as material composition and production techniques.
4) Protocol Development and Testing: Using robotics, data science, and artificial intelligence, the project will optimize and automate the processes of digitization and analysis, ensuring efficiency and precision.
Project edited by:
Martina Naso