by mappalab | May 17, 2023 | Senza categoria
On Friday, May 19, the MAPPALab team will participate in the First Symposium on Plant Science at the University of Pisa. The Symposium aims to create an opportunity to compare the many varieties of specializations, ranging from food technologies to economics, from...
by mappalab | Apr 21, 2023 | Senza categoria
Two years of hard work during the pandemic period. Hundred of hours in video calls, online meetings, restricted access to archives and university laboratories. Then back in Pisa, in the lab, with a group that, day by day, grew and became enthusiastic and super...
by mappalab | Apr 17, 2023 | Senza categoria
Friday, April 21, 10:30 a.m., Gipsoteca di Arte Antica, Piazza S.Paolo all’Orto 20, Pisa. MAGOH is the new archaeological data management platform for northern Tuscany. A web portal dedicated to archaeologists: ministry officials, professionals, researchers,...
by mappalab | Mar 29, 2023 | Senza categoria
On Saturday, 1 April 2022, Francesca Anichini and Gabriele Gattiglia will be hosted by the Archaeological Museum Bruno Antonucci in Pietrasanta (LU) to present a talk about “Contemporary Archaeology on the Alpi Apuane. Traces and borders along the Gothic Line”. Free...
by mappalab | Mar 17, 2023 | Senza categoria
On March 25, we will be in Florence, guests at the event “Archaeology in Tuscany. Profession, research, protection,” promoted by ANA Tuscany during tourismA 2023. On that occasion, we will talk about the MAGOH project and the great opportunities it can...
by mappalab | Mar 7, 2023 | Senza categoria
The project “Memories of things, Places, and life” tasks started. The MAPPALab team, in collaboration with the Multimedia Laboratory and the chairs of Cultural Anthropology and Methodology of Archaeological Research of the Department of Civilization and...