CFP EAA2023 Session #392 is open

CFP EAA2023 Session #392 is open

MAPPALab, in collaboration with colleagues from Newcastle University, promotes the Call For Papers for the next 2023 EAA meeting in Belfast on Session No. 392 ‘Peaks of Data – Collecting, Managing and Analysing Archaeological Data from Mountain...
Another award gave to “Gazes of the Border”

Another award gave to “Gazes of the Border”

Another award gave to “Gazes of the Border. The Gothic Line described by the students” as a Special Recognition at the International Prize of Archaeology Prize Maiuri in Pompei. The video, made by Nicola Trabucco e Luisa Boeri, narrates the experience of...
Postcolonial Archaeology and Studies

Postcolonial Archaeology and Studies

Postcolonial Studies are a research field still little explored in Italy and almost unknown in archaeology. Moving Italian archaeology towards Postcolonial Archaeology does not only mean dealing with the colonialist use of the discipline, but it means, in a broader...
Lecture on plants of abandonment

Lecture on plants of abandonment

On Nov. 16, from 2 to 4 p.m. in room PAO A2- Palazzo Carità, Via Pasquale Paoli 15-, ndrea Bertacchi, University of Pisa, will give a lecture on plants of abandonment. The lecture will be held as part of the Environmental Archaeology course. Participation is...