by mappalab | Jun 3, 2020 | Senza categoria
ArchAIDE system is the result of three years H2020 funded project, lead by MAPPALab from the Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere of the University of Pisa. The project will be present during the webinar “ArchAIDE system on June 15 at 4 pm. The AI to the...
by mappalab | May 21, 2020 | Senza categoria
Archaeology internships made remotely are active. The MAPPALab team offers remote tutoring activities for students who must complete their training credits (with priority those who are about to graduate and must complete the CFU). Students can participate in some...
by mappalab | May 19, 2020 | Senza categoria
Prova News We are proud to announce that ArchAIDE project has been shortlisted for the “The Best in Heritage Imagines Award” 2020. The conference, foreseen in Dubrovnik on September, will be held in digital version producing a series of video-link...
by mappalab | May 19, 2020 | Senza categoria
Do you have archaeological data to publish and share? Less than one month is missing to the ArcheoLogica Data deadline (June, 15th). Open access journal for the publication of papers + datasets. CFP and info: Languages...
by mappalab | Apr 8, 2020 | Senza categoria
The day of the Italian Lockdown, on 12 March, we have activated the “Ogni giovedì” [Each Thursday] project. This contemporary archaeology project aims to record the impact of the covid19 containment measures on a group of Italian women. A choral and participated...