Strange days…at MAPPA Lab

Strange days…at MAPPA Lab

Today, the first day of the Italian total block, in front of the Laboratory ‘ window we see this image full of hope. Pisa is appearing a silent and surreal space, no people, no cars, no sound. She is empty, without citizens, tourists and students that every day...
CAA Conference postponed

CAA Conference postponed

The 2020 Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), which was to be held in Oxford, UK, in mid-April, has been postponed because of the rapidly-evolving situation with COVID-19. The CAA Executive Steering Committee and the local...
Work with us – Project MAGOH

Work with us – Project MAGOH

The MappaLab is looking for 3 people to carry out the MAGOH project! Do you want to come and work with us? The call for 3 research fellows with a two-year contract duration is now open. Applicants must be under 36 years of age and respond to the following profile:...