by mappalab | Jul 27, 2020 | Senza categoria
November-December 2020 The Mappa lab is happy to announce a new urban survey project that will focus on two innovative lines of research for the understanding of the urban fabric of the city of Pisa. Two parallel research projects will investigate: – the...
by mappalab | Jul 27, 2020 | Senza categoria
12-23 October 2020 The Mappa lab has started a survey project to document archaeological traces in the area of Versilia. The project aims at investigating surface evidence in an area that is extremely rich in traces of ancient human settlements. The surveys will...
by mappalab | Jul 27, 2020 | Senza categoria
The Mappa lab organises a survey campaign in the area of Monti Pisani and Livorno/Calafuria in order to map quarry fronts and evidence of stone extraction that could be reconnected to the urban development of the city of Pisa. In particular, we will focus on the...
by mappalab | Jun 25, 2020 | Senza categoria
MAPPA Lab archaeological team talking about ArchAIDE project and Artificial Intelligence applied to...
by mappalab | Jun 18, 2020 | Senza categoria
We are glad to share with you the Call for Paper for the International Conference ArcheoFOSS 2020 (14th edition). The conference deals with aspects related to the world of OPEN DATA in the archaeological field. Here you can find the panels of the Conference: 1. Use...