by mappalab | Dec 11, 2020 | Senza categoria
New appointment to talk about digital archaeological data and research. Francesca Anichini and Gabriele Gattiglia from the MAPPALab will hold the next Lunchtime Lecture at the Zentrum für Informationsmodellierung, Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities of the...
by mappalab | Dec 3, 2020 | Senza categoria
We are happy to announce that ArchAIDE project has been quoted on The New York Times! “How Archaeologists are using Deep Learning to dig deeper” is the title of the article by Zach Zuchary, where ArchAIDE results as one of the main innovative AI application in...
by mappalab | Nov 27, 2020 | Senza categoria
The second edition of “R 4 aRchaeologists” Winter School will be held online on 25 January – 5 February 2021. A great opportunity to learn more about statistical analysis and visualization of archaeological data. Participants will learn the concepts...
by mappalab | Sep 19, 2020 | Senza categoria
This week Claudia Sciuto and the students of MAPPALab are testing the new hyperspectral portal camera to discover which applications would be useful for the archaeological fieldwork. The camera has been experimented to the acquisition and rendering of images on...
by mappalab | Sep 4, 2020 | Senza categoria
Finally, we work! After a too-long postposition period, due to Covid19 pandemic, MAGOH (Managing Archaeological data for a sustainable GOvernance of the Heritage) project has started on 1 September! The overarching aim of MAGOH is to create a platform of...