by mappalab | Mar 24, 2022 | Senza categoria
Special educational projects: “Archeology of borders” meets “ISOLA”. Appointment on 13 April at 9:30 am Le Benedettine Congress Center – University of Pisa, Room A. A seminar day will be dedicated to the presentation of videos made in...
by mappalab | Jan 27, 2022 | Senza categoria
ArcheoLogica Data 3: Pottery and Beyond is the topic for the next volume of ALD. Of any size, shape and colour: the call is open for papers and data about pottery from any age and places! In the same issue articles that are not related to the main theme will also be...
by mappalab | Jan 3, 2022 | Senza categoria
Deadline for application to “R for Archaeologists” Winter School has been extended to January 10-th, 2022! Check out this and other updates at...
by mappalab | Dec 15, 2021 | Senza categoria
MAPPALab will be present at TourismA 2021 with two talks. The first will be on Saturday, 18 th December during the conference titled “Scavare il presente (Dig in to the present)” organized by Giuliano Volpe and Giuliano De Felice. Francesca Anichini will speak about...
by mappalab | Dec 6, 2021 | Senza categoria
The multidisciplinary team from MappaLab spent the past week investigating the archaeological records from the undocumented migrations on Lampedusa and is now back! This survey was definitely different from all the others we experienced and we are eager to tell you...