by mappalab | May 6, 2022 | Senza categoria
The students talk about the experience in Lampedusa, describing the anthropological and archaeological survey of the monuments dedicated to the migration present in the town. “ISOLA: Indagare le Storie globali degli Oggetti quotidiani a Lampedusa” (ISLAND:...
by mappalab | Apr 28, 2022 | Senza categoria
The students of the University of Pisa tell about the project “ISOLA: Indagare le Storie globali degli Oggetti quotidiani a Lampedusa” (ISLAND: Investing global stories of daily objects in Lampedusa). The students attended the archaeo- anthropological...
by mappalab | Mar 24, 2022 | Senza categoria
Last news from MAGOH project. New helps arrived in March, and the municipalities map is coloring! We done 608 new archaeological records! More info:...
by mappalab | Mar 24, 2022 | Senza categoria
The Apuan mountains, and in particular the Versilian side, is a territory marked by progressive abandonments that have caused a strong environmental impact, with the loss of biodiversity and an increase in slopes instability. The project will follow a protocol that...
by mappalab | Mar 24, 2022 | Senza categoria
We’re happy to announce that the 2nd issue of ALD-ArcheoLogica Data is out! This year the main topic is the environmental archaeology: archaeology of ecological niches in which the relationships between human and non-human are intertwined. Environmental archaeology...