MAPPALab at TourismA 2021

MAPPALab at TourismA 2021

MAPPALab will be present at TourismA 2021 with two talks. The first will be on Saturday, 18 th December during the conference titled “Scavare il presente (Dig in to the present)” organized by Giuliano Volpe and Giuliano De Felice. Francesca Anichini will speak about...
Archaeology of Borders is back in Pisa

Archaeology of Borders is back in Pisa

The multidisciplinary team from MappaLab spent the past week investigating the archaeological records from the undocumented migrations on Lampedusa and is now back! This survey was definitely different from all the others we experienced and we are eager to tell you...
MAGOH project, one century of data!

MAGOH project, one century of data!

The MAGOH project is running! After acquiring the archive information, we began to process the data and populate the new MAPPA platform. Reports, communications, random finds, excavations. A century of data will have to be systematized to facilitate access and use....