On Friday, May 19, the MAPPALab team will participate in the First Symposium on Plant Science at the University of Pisa. The Symposium aims to create an opportunity to compare the many varieties of specializations, ranging from food technologies to economics, from ecology to biotechnology, from ethnobotany to physiology, from conservation to genetics, and agricultural production to art history. The goal of the first Symposium on Plant Science is to bring together this diverse and multidisciplinary community of researchers, united by their recognition of the role of the plant world in a sustainable future, to give them ways to create new synergies.
Gabriele Gattiglia and Antonio Campus will be present with the talk, “Entanged gardens. Archeologia ambientale nei giardini della Certosa di Calci”.
The appointment is at the Aula Magna of the Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental
Sciences, University of Pisa, Via del Borghetto, 80, from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Participation is free while places last.