ArcheoLogica Data IIĀ°-2021
There is time until MAY 31, 2021, to submit your contributions for the second issue of #ArcheoLogicaData.
– What is ALD: an Open project. An Open Access journal that publishes original contributions linked to Open Data content.
– Why to publish on ALD: taking part in a project focuses on collaboration, data sharing, giving value to all archaeological information; both come out from complex research projects, and those coming from small investigations, rarely published.
– What is the focus of ALD: each issue of ALD has a thematic section (Environmental Archeology for the second issue) and a miscellaneous section where it is possible to publish any archaeological contribution.
– Which format of contributions does ALD publish: ALD accepts papers written in Italian or English language. Long paper (minimum 30,000 maximum 60,000 characters and up to a maximum of 15 images); Short paper (up to 15000 characters and a maximum of 6 images) + Dataset and/or Gray literature published as open data in permanent repository MOD (MAPPA Open Data Archive).
– What a dataset can include: each author is free to create his own dataset how to prefer, organizing it with different materials (images, plans, reports, diagrams, 3D reconstructions, maps, etc …) and by heterogeneous formats (jpeg, doc, odt, txt, DB, shape, pdf, tiff, CVS, etc …). The dataset is linked to the written contribution definitely and enriches it with data in original format.
The publication is FOR FREE!
More information and the guidelines to prepare your contribution, here https://www.mappalab.eu/en/archeologica-data/