The MappaLab is looking for 3 people to carry out the MAGOH project! Do you want to come and work with us?

The call for 3 research fellows with a two-year contract duration is now open. Applicants must be under 36 years of age and respond to the following profile:
proven expertise in the archaeological field with a training oriented towards classical and / or medieval archeology; proven experience in the analysis of archaeological documentation and in the interpretation of diachronic stratigraphic sequences; proven digital skills in the construction and compilation of archaeological databases; knowledge and experience in the creation and use of GIS projects in the archaeological field. Perfect knowledge of the Italian language.
The doctoral degree is not a mandatory requirement.
The contract provides for a gross annual remuneration of € 28,000.
The assignees will have to carry out part of their activity at the superintendencies of Florence and Pisa.

The deadline for submitting your applications is March 2nd at 13:00.
The interview scheduled in the selection will take place on March 6.
The winners will begin their activities by March.