ALD – special issue EMAC2023
The call for submissions for the special issue of ArcheoLogica Data- Proceedings EMAC 2023- is now open.
Deadline is December 31st, 2023
ArcheoLogica Data offers researchers and professionals the opportunity to publish Open Access and peer- reviewed articles free of charge, as required by the European community and desired by the ANVUR national directives.
ArcheoLogica Data is an open access journal that publishes open data articles and datasets. It provides a repository for your archaeological research data to make it accessible, reusable and preserved over time it’s free of charge.
The special issue will be dedicated to the proceedings of the EMAC 2023 conference, held in Pisa from 14 to 16 June 2023.
Special editors for this issue will be:
Claudia Sciuto, Università di Pisa
Gabriele Gattiglia, Università di Pisa
Chiara Germinario, Università del Sannio
Simonetta Menchelli, Università di Pisa
Elisabetta Starnini, Università di Pisa
Francesca Galluzzi, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
The special issue will follow the editorial rules of the journal, and a dataset containing the research data (e.g. analytical data in tabular form, microscope images, descriptions of thin sections, databases, etc.) must be attached to each article.
The volume will give space to two types of contributions:
- Long paper: articles of minimum 30,000 max 60,000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliography included) with the possibility of inserting up to a maximum of 15 colour or b/w images (.jpeg format, 300 dpi resolution).
- Short paper: synthetic articles of up to 15000 characters (spaces, notes and bibliography included), with the possibility of inserting up to a maximum of 6 colour or b/w images (.jpeg format, 300 dpi resolution).
Each paper will be published in electronic format with CC-BY 4.0 license and related DOI, and a print format, while the datasets will be stored in the MAPPA Open Data repository (MOD). For more information, see the editorial norms and guide for authors.
LANGUAGES: The journal accepts datasets and papers in Italian or English.
REVIEW PROCESS: Publication of papers in the journal is contingent on the outcome of the Peer Review
procedure. The editorial committee reserves the right to publish, reject or request revisions for the
submitted papers.
SUBMITTING CONTRIBUTIONS: Contributions must be sent within the deadline to the archeologicadata@mappalab.eu address in compliance with the checklist below.
By December31st:
– Send the paper in compatible word format and pictures, according to the editorial norms
– Fill in and attach the Annex A (dataset description form)
– Fill in and attach the Author statement guideline
– Send the full dataset in compliance with the editorial norms
– Send the consent form (Annex 1) and a copy of the identity document for each author
– If needed, send the third parties consent form (only if sensible data of third parties, different from the authors, are mentioned in the dataset) (Annex 2) and a copy of the identity documents.