New ALD1/2021 paper by Anna Anguissola, Silvana Costa, Antonio Monticolo; “Ricerche nella necropoli nord a Hierapolis di Frigia. Le campagne 2017-2019 nell’area delle tombe 156-163d”. Paper is available as open access on Explore open data dataset on MOD:
Abstract: The article discusses the preliminary results of the 2017-2019 fieldwork campaigns at Hierapolis in Phrygia (Turkey), within the framework of the Italian Archaeological Mission at Hierapolis (MAIER). Research focused on the northern necropolis in this site, with particular reference to the area between Tombs 163d and 156, with monuments ranging from the Hellenistic age to Late Antiquity. The paper discusses the case of Tomb 159c in light of both the archaeological and epigraphic evidence. In-depth investigation allows to reconstruct patterns and changes in ownership, use, and movement.