ArcheoLogica Data

The Call for Papers for ArcheoLogica Data 5 is now open! Deadline: October 31, 2024.

ALD is the scientific journal that provides a space for sharing your datasets and publishing Open Access and peer-reviewed papers. Each issue of the journal is organized into two sections:

  • General section: This section welcomes contributions related to any kind of archaeological research, regardless of theme and chronology, provided they are accompanied by data.
  • Thematic section, different for each issue. The theme of the fifth volume is Urban Archaeology.

Over the past two decades, preventive archaeology has experienced exponential growth, leading to a significant increase in excavations in urban areas. This has been accompanied by the development of digital infrastructures capable of managing and making data from these investigations available. At the same time, academic research has continued to focus on the theme of the city and its transformations, with the emergence of various studies and methodological approaches for new synchronous and/or diachronic readings of urban dynamics.

This ALD issue is particularly aimed at researchers and professionals who intend to publish original contributions and datasets. These contributions may include:

– Descriptions of individual investigations in urban areas without chronological limits from prehistory to the present.

– Discussions on the methodological aspects of conducting archaeology in cities based on one or more urban investigations. It may also provide an updated overview of urban archaeology in a specific territory or discuss issues related to conservation and preventive archaeology.

– Critical reinterpretations of urban investigations based on the study of unpublished archive data or reflections on the use of urban legacy data.

– Critical reflections on digital infrastructures that provide open access to urban archaeological data.

The journal welcomes two types of contributions, in Italian or English:

  • Short paper: up to 15,000 characters and 5 images.
  • Long paper: minimum 30,000 and up to 50,000 characters, maximum 10 images.

Each contribution must be accompanied by one or more datasets (e.g., grey literature, photos, drawings, 3D models, shapefiles, etc.). It will be published both digitally under CC-BY 4.0 license with related DOIs, and in print format. If not yet published, datasets will be archived in the MOD repository (Open Data Map), in the Digital Library of the University of Pisa.

By October 31, 2024: submit the dataset and contribution in a compatible Word format, following the editorial guidelines (available on our website).

Attachments required:

  • Authors’ statement
  • Annex A (description of the dataset)
  • Annex 1 (authorization for publication)
  • Copy of ID
  • Annex 2 (consent form from third parties, only if sensitive data of third parties other than the authors are mentioned in the dataset)

Datasets and contributions should be sent to:

Download the documentation

Annex A – Download
ANNEX 1 – Download
ANNEX 2 – Download
Editorial Norms – Download
Author statement guideline Download
Dataset: tips and tricks Download